Streaming message types

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Streaming message types


There are for the moment (V 1.0) two types of messages that will be sent over the streaming API



When connecting to the streaming API, the gateway will deliver at first the states of all the devices that have the flag "TransmitOnConnect" activated. This flag can be found in the administration User Interface when editing the devices.

  "header" : {
    "httpStatus" : 200,
    "content" : "states",
    "timestamp" : "2015-09-25T17:02:33.967+0200"
  "states" : [ {
    "deviceId" : "01872C13",
    "friendlyId" : "Afriso_CO2_Messer_A5-09-08",
    "physicalDevice" : "Afriso_CO2_Messer_A5-09-08",
    "functions" : [ {
      "key" : "co2",
      "value" : "643.14",
      "unit" : "ppm",
      "timestamp" : "2015-09-25T17:00:16.036+0200",
      "age" : "137932"
    } ]
  }, ]




After the states, the connection will be held open and depending on the direction parameter, the subsequent telegrams will be transmitted over the stream.

  "header" : {
    "content" : "telegram",
    "timestamp" : "2015-10-12T16:25:27.220+0200"
  "telegram" : {
    "deviceId" : "FEFC8ED5",
    "friendlyId" : "TESTIOFI",
    "timestamp" : "2015-10-12T16:25:27.220+0200",
    "direction" : "from",
    "functions" : [ {
      "key" : "buttonBI",
      "value" : "1",
      "valueKey" : "pressed",
      "meaning" : "Button pressed"
    } ],
    "telegramInfo" : {
      "data" : "50",
      "status" : "30",
      "dbm" : -88,
      "rorg" : "F6"